Hello everybody, I´m a bachelor´s student I nee dto amplify a 5 kb fragment from a plasmid. Therefore, I perform PCR, and then gel electrophoresis. Subsequently, I extract the 5 kb band and try to re-amplify the 5 kB fragment by doing the PCR under the same parameters. However, the reamplification does not work (I tried quite a few times, even with new primers). The primers which I use should be okay because the first amplification of the fragment worked quite well. There where some unspecific products but I removed them by doing a gel extraction of the amplified 5kB product after gel electrophoresis. The DNA concentration was around 20 ng/µl (with bad correction values). I use TaKaRa ExTaqTM Polymerase for amplification and 1 µl of the above mentioned template DNA.
I would be glad for any help, thanks in advance