HAM is a powerful technique for solving nonlinear equations. MATLAB, with its strong numerical computation capabilities, is a suitable platform for implementing HAM. Here's what you can find:
Concepts: There's a wealth of information available online about HAM itself. You can refer to resources explaining the core idea behind HAM https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0096300302007907.
MATLAB Applications: While there might not be readily available code for OHAM, there are examples for implementing HAM in MATLAB. These examples can be a good starting point for understanding how to code a similar method:MathWorks Videos: MathWorks offers video tutorials on performing structural analysis using the finite element method with HAM in MATLAB https://www.mathworks.com/videos/series/finite-element-analysis-in-matlab.html. This might not be directly applicable to OHAM, but it showcases the general approach of using HAM within MATLAB. YouTube Videos: You can find videos on YouTube that demonstrate implementing HAM for solving nonlinear equations in MATLAB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Llz7befTAnU. These can provide valuable insights into the coding structure.
Key Points:
While information on OHAM in MATLAB is scarce, HAM provides a solid foundation for understanding the implementation process.
Look for resources explaining HAM and its MATLAB applications.
Adapt the concepts from HAM examples to potentially develop your OHAM code.
Additional Tips:
Search for research papers that mention OHAM and MATLAB implementation. They might provide code snippets or references for further exploration.
Consider contacting the developers of OHAM (if known) to inquire about available MATLAB code or resources.