Please, I have a python code as shown below, to extract data from netcdf files in a given folder. The files contain data at six different atmospheric levels, the code is to extract the data for a given latitude and longitude at all the levels for all the files and store the data in a .csv file.

The problem I am having with the code is that it is only storing data in two columns! Whereas, it's suppose to be storing each time data in a separate column of the .csv fle, for instance, if I have fifteen files then I am suppose to have fifteen columns of data, but as the code is now, I could only have two columns; fourteen columns will be merged into the first column and separated with a comma while the fifteenth column will be in the second column.

I will really appreciate if anybody knows and can correct what is wrong with my code. Thanks.

import os

import netCDF4 as nc

import pandas as pd

lat = 22

lon = 66

for filename in os.listdir('.'):

if filename.endswith('.nc'):

file = os.path.join(filename)

f = nc.Dataset(file)

qm = f.variables['HSH_Tm'][0,0:6,lat-1,lon-1]

s = pd.Series(qm)

df = pd.read_csv('lat22_66_temp.csv','a')

df['Mixing'] = s

df.to_csv('lat22_66_temp.csv', index=False)





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