The other pictures that only have a link are: marine worm - Polydora spp, 89.bmp - a foraminifera, 656.bmp - not sure, 21313.bmp - not sure, dfhdhgd.bmp - ctenophore.
Hi Umer, sorry its a nauplius of some sort. It looks alittle damaged from the picture. I wouldn't have said it was a sea butterfly which is what the photo is named.
Initially it was suggested and i'm sure it is not sea butterfly. That's the reason I uploaded in research gate. Anyhow its Nauplius and thanks for your help.
I read the suggestion but felt that the legs had more setae on them than is typical for a copepod nauplius at that developmental stage...were there very many of them in the sample and/or do you have other images?