
I am learning how to use VMD and NAMD.

But I have got a problem when I try to run NAMD which is :

"FATAL ERROR: Unable to access config file namd-temp.namd

FATAL ERROR: Unable to access config file namd-temp.namd

while executing

"exec $namdcmd ${jobname}-temp.namd > ${jobname}-temp.log"

(procedure "namdrun" line 56)

invoked from within


(procedure "namdmain" line 76)

invoked from within


(in namespace inscope "::namdEnergy" script line 19)

invoked from within

"::namespace inscope ::namdEnergy {

mol top $currentMol

variable sel1

variable sel2

variable nsel

set energy ""


invoked from within

".namdenergy.gobutton invoke"

("uplevel" body line 1)

invoked from within

"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"

(procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 24)

invoked from within

"tk::ButtonUp .namdenergy.gobutton"

(command bound to event)"

I don't know to what it could corresponds.

Thank you for your advices and have a nice day

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