03 February 2017 2 384 Report

Recently, I have had problems with my transfection efficiency after I freeze and thaw my HBS2x. I use HEK293 cells and transfect them with calcium phosphate. My HBS2x recipe is: 50 mM HEPES, 280 mM NaCl, 1.5 Na2HPO4, pH 7, and I use 2M CaCl2. I mix the H2O, CaCl2 and DNA and slowly add this mix drop by drop in my HBS2x while mixing it, then I wait 20 min at room temperature and add this mix to the cells drop by drop while swirling gently the plate.  I have done pH curves and different CaCl2 concentration as well as DNA concentrations so I have a 50% transfection efficiency using these conditions but only if the HBS2x is fresh, after i freeze it (-20ºC) and thaw it and repeating the same protocol the efficiency is 5%, any suggestions? 

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