My mind was stimulated by "Mirror-image Life" ( The following explains how the right- and left-handedness of chirality would, using the quantum-gravity interpretation that everything in time and space is connected, solve physics' muon g-2 anomaly -

There may be no new particles or forces necessary to explain the muon g-2 anomaly (difference between the predicted and experimentally measured value of a property of the magnetic field of a muon). What would be necessary? A new model for the interaction of those particles and forces which modifies the Standard Model of Particle Physics by being based on a paper published by Albert Einstein in 1919 titled “Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?” ^ Using the unification of everything implied by the Unified Field, Quantum Gravity, or the Theory of Everything – chemistry and biology can be united with vector-tensor-scalar geometry* (the “new model” proposed here – see the section below) and particle physics via mathematics’ topology.

^ The new interactive model describes the Higgs boson and Higgs field very differently from the Standard Model. This difference may be controversial, causing some physicists to maintain that Einstein was correct while others continue to accept the present interpretation. If the Einsteinian path is taken, it will be seen that his views ultimately explain the two nuclear forces not as fundamental forces but as by-products of gravitational-electromagnetic interaction.

Chirality is an asymmetry resulting in an object not being superimposable upon its mirror image. Two isomers (substances with the same molecular formula but with the atoms arranged differently) which are mirror images of one another are called enantiomers. Towards symmetrical environments, enantiomers behave identically, but towards other chiral molecules they are different. Thus they will have identical melting points, but may have different tastes and smells. The enantiomorphic – because their properties, except for the muon having 207 times more mass, are similar - muon and electron behave differently regarding their magnetic property. This difference implies that muons and electrons are chiral in nature, and their asymmetry – which might be attributed to the ascending and descending distortions innate to being composed of topological Mobius strips - causes them to behave differently in relation to another chiral particle (like a magnetic field photon – both fermions and bosons may possess this Mobius asymmetry to varying extents).

Vector-Tensor-Scalar (VTS) Geometry

Introductory paragraph – The equivalence between the Prandtl-Glauert equations for fluid flow, Einstein’s relativistic equation, and James Clerk Maxwell’s establishment of a powerful correlation between electromagnetic waves and fluid dynamics shows that the fluid relationship between gravitation and electromagnetism could also describe the flexibility, in Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry, of producing fermions or bosons at quantum scales and of forming black holes or planets at cosmic scales. The following method of building planets is preferred to collisions between rocks and dust in the disk because most planetary systems seem to outweigh the protoplanetary disks in which they formed, leaving astronomers to re-evaluate planet-formation theories. (1)

(The figure is attached)

Fig. 1 – VTS (VECTOR-TENSOR-SCALAR) GEOMETRY - Interaction of Gravitation and Electromagnetism Produces a Momentum in Gravitons and Photons (and a Pressure Which is Known as Mass).

A vector is a quantity which possesses both magnitude and direction. Two such quantities acting on a point may be represented by two adjoining sides of a parallelogram, so that their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram (AD and CD, for example, can symbolize the electromagnetic and gravitational vectors … while the resultant green diagonal of DB substitutes for the interaction of those two forces). A scalar variable is representable by a position on a line, having only magnitude e.g. the red dot on the diagonal, symbolic of the Higgs boson. A tensor is a set of functions which, when changing from one set of coordinates to another, are transformed in a precisely defined manner (e.g. changing from the coordinates of AD and CD to those of the green diagonal, or of the red dot, is a transformation performed in a particular way).

Two sides thus illustrate the graviton's spin 2 and the photon's spin 1. The resultant diagonal represents the interaction of the sides/vectors (1÷2 = the spin ½ of every matter particle). Tensor calculus changes the coordinates of the sides and diagonal into the coordinates of a single (scalar) point on the diagonal. This scalar point is associated with particles of spin zero. (2) If the mass produced during the photon-graviton interaction (the energy and momentum of photons and presently hypothetical gravitons produces a pressure we call mass) happens to be 125 GeV/c^2, its union with spin 0 produces the Higgs boson. 125 GeV/c^2 united with spin 0 means the central scalar point of the Higgs boson is related to the vector of the graviton’s spin 2, and the Higgs field is therefore united with the supposedly unrelated gravitational field (together with the latter’s constant interaction with the electromagnetic field).

The interacting gravity and electromagnetism in VTS geometry produce mass e.g. they can form a Higgs boson or the strong/weak nuclear forces’ bosons as well as matter. On a cosmic level - if gravitational and electromagnetic waves focus on a protoplanetary disc surrounding a newborn star, the quantum spin of the particles of matter in the disc (1/2) could imprint itself on the waves’ interaction and build up a planet layer by layer from vector-tensor-scalar geometry’s 1/2 interaction. If the waves focus on a region of space where there’s no matter, the opposite interaction occurs and the graviton’s spin 2 is divided by the photon’s spin 1 to produce 2/1 (the quantum spin of gravitons composing the powerful gravitational fields of black holes).* The mass produced has the spin inherent in each of the gravitons composing spacetime - and could be an alternative, or complementary, method to supernovas for producing the gravitational waves making up black holes.

* Black holes are normally thought of as being formed by supernovas. According to this article’s vector-tensor-scalar geometry, they can also be produced by the quantum pressure of interacting gravitons and photons. This pressure would be identified as mass and would not magically stop at the event horizon but would naturally affect the environment of the black holes. Since this pressure extends into the black hole's environment, the black hole is losing mass, as Stephen Hawking's idea of "Hawking radiation" tells us (radiation of a thermal nature - heat - implies that electromagnetism's photons are present).

Quaternions were first described by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1843. Hamilton defined a quaternion as the quotient of two vectors. (3) In this case: the quotient of two vectors is 1/2, the division of the electromagnetic vector (photonic quantum spin of 1) by the gravitational vector (gravitonic quantum spin of 2). In other words, the term "diagonal" (like 1/2, the result of these 2 vectors interacting) in VTS Geometry can be replaced with the term "quaternion". (Of course, the vectors may be reversed to give the black hole quaternion of 2/1). A hologram’s appearance differs depending on which direction it’s viewed from. If the universe is holographic as proposed by Gerard ‘t Hooft, Leonard Susskind, and AdS/CFT correspondence - if the 3rd dimension is the result of information in the 2nd dimension (in the 2D Mobius strip?) - a hologram’s property of looking different depending on the direction it’s viewed from might account for the matter-particle quaternion of 1/2 becoming the black-hole quaternion of 2/1.

Bosons Of The Nuclear Forces

It must be remembered that referring to space alone is incomplete. Living in space-time, it’s necessary to add some sentences about the time factor. The photon must interact with the graviton to produce the mass of the weak nuclear force’s W and Z bosons. To produce their quantum spin, the photon’s spin 1 needs to react with the graviton’s spin 2. That is, the photon’s turning through one complete revolution needs to be combined with the graviton’s being turned through two half-revolutions*. Incorporating the time factor as a reversal of time (Richard Feynman, 20th-century winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, used reversal-of-time to explain antimatter) in the middle of the interaction: a gravitonic half revolution is subtracted from the photonic full revolution then the graviton’s time-reversal adds a half revolution (1-½+½ = the spin 1 of W and Z bosons). The strong nuclear force’s gluon’s quantum spin of 1 could arise in the same way as the spin 1 of weak-force bosons. The masslessness of gluons might be produced by retarded and advanced waves ^ cancelling. They neutralize each other, producing a mass of zero and relating gluons to the Higgs boson whose zero quantity is its quantum spin.

* Professor Stephen Hawking writes in “A Brief History of Time” -

"What the spin of a particle really tells us is what the particle looks like from different directions."

Spin 1 is like an arrow-tip pointing, say, up. A photon has to be turned round a full revolution of 360 degrees to look the same.

Spin 2 is like an arrow with 2 tips - 1 pointing up, 1 down. A graviton has to be turned half a revolution (180 degrees) to look the same.

Spin 0 is like a ball of arrows having no spaces. A Higgs boson looks like a dot: the same from every direction.

Spin ½ is logically like a Mobius strip, though Hawking doesn’t specifically say so. This is because a particle of matter has to be turned through two complete revolutions to look the same, and you must travel around a Mobius strip twice to reach the starting point.

^ When we solve (19th-century Scottish physicist James Clerk) Maxwell's equations for light, we find not one but two solutions: a 'retarded' wave, which represents the standard motion of light from one point to another; but also an 'advanced' wave, where the light beam goes backward in time. (4) Einstein's equations say gravitational fields carry enough information about electromagnetism to allow Maxwell's equations to be restated in terms of these gravitational fields. This was discovered by the mathematical physicist George Yuri Rainich. (5) It’s therefore apparent that gravitational waves also possess retarded and advanced portions.


(1) AstroNews. Astronomy. Page 17. February 2019

(2) Klauber, R.D. Scalars: Spin 0 Fields. 2018 index

(3)Hardy, A.S. Elements of Quaternions. (1881)

(4)Kaku, M. Physics of the Impossible. Penguin Books.p.276 (2008)

(5)Rainich, G.Y., Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 27, 106. (1925)

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