The ability of using particular research methods is very important. It can makes the research more comprehensive, interesting and sufficiently exhausted. After reading many books, I noticed they encompass several ways of using (logistically) particular perspectives in political science analyses. Although I have found some common elements of some approaches presented there, I`m curious if we can ask about: (1) the balance when it comes to applying qualitative, quantitative or both research methods (number of them) ? (2) Which methods are more efficient (whether it is better to use quantitative research methods first supplying them by qualitative ones or other way) ? (3) Where is the limit for expanding our research - is it infinite ? (4) Where is the so-called endpoint for analysis processing ? (5) Does aforementioned limit of using additional research methods exist ? (6) How important the triangulation of research methods is ?

The discussion is more technically oriented. It is focused mostly on some kind of correctness when it comes to processing any empirical research.

So I'd love to talk to you all, and invite you to take part in this discussion.

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