Moderate alcohol consumption is effective in reducing stress. Moreover, low and moderate doses of alcohol have been reported to increase overall affective expression, happiness, euphoria, conviviality and pleasant and carefree feelings.
Article The Psychological Benefits of Moderate Alcohol Consumption: ...
It will be bad on the long run! Such bad habit might develop and may lead the person to strive for higher doses which cause alcoholism (alcohol addiction).
As Muslims, alcohol is completely forbidden for us, yet it was mentioned in the Qur'an that it has benefits for people K but its harm is greater than its benefit.
Alcohol is a bad effect on human health even if it is in moderate quantities because accumulation in the body leads to damage to the heart and causes immune deficiency to the body
Moderate alcohol consumption is effective in reducing stress. Moreover, low and moderate doses of alcohol have been reported to increase overall affective expression, happiness, euphoria, conviviality and pleasant and carefree feelings.
Article The Psychological Benefits of Moderate Alcohol Consumption: ...
On temporary basis alcohol may give pleasure and benefits but it causes addiction and after some period of use the definition of small quantity for us will increase which can cause serious problems
Historically speaking , Alcohol has been know in ancient Mesopotamia ( Iraqi today) and ancient Egyptian and ancient china. Even the word Alcohol is ancient Sumerians ( Sumer city) was the southernmost region of ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq ) which is generally considered the cradle of civilization. However, now a days, each year over 10000 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes in the united states alone. This is accounting for 28% of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. Furthermore, alcoholism is a disease that causes lost of productivity and employment .In Great Britain, up to 25% of workplace accidents and around 60% of fatal accidents at work may be linked to alcohol. Finally, alcohol abuse is greater than that for any other drug.