I am saying that the patterns we encounter in the macro, are repeated as we go to each successively smaller scale. What it means is still unclear, but I would speculate that the patterns are repettitive due to the grand design.
@ Roundtree "Seems the more micro we go, the more we see a model of the macro...
Yes! exactly! At the end of the microscope, begins the telescope (and vice versa) and Yes the world could reflect the Mandelbrot set, Fractal equation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally 100% agreed. The world of the seen (material world) is linked to the world of the unseen (quantum or "spiritual" world). The Mandelbrot spirals in one direction to a point then spirals back the other way at the same time. The seen spins one way and the unseen in the other. Connecting these two realms (which may in fact be two sides of the same coin as Spinoza and Leibniz suggest) is what I call the "Grand Transducer" (Kroeker 2009) that can convert the one type of energy into the other and vice versa (material world = acoustic/chemical based energy, unseen realm = pure electrical energy). Could it be that these tiny black holes are the mechanism of the Grand Transducer that permeate the universe? Voila, this is how the universe functions. How it was created, however, is a different story lol!
Even more so, I believe the double helix is also present in wormhole phenomena, making it a two way construct, with a single throat/event horizon much like a quantum vortex
Sandra, do you have a link to your paper? I would be very interested in reading it. I am currently researching terrstial wormhole phenomena as a potential conduit for "paranormal" phenomena. The effects on the environment are consistent with potential wormhole activity, complete with Gamma bursts from subatomic annhilations. Perhaps you would be interested in reading about what I have been doing. LOL
you can find it on line, but I think the section's paper you want to read requires you to join the site. If this is ok, then here's the link, but if not, message me and I'll see if I can send it to you. =)
I love researchgate! I am definitely going to check this out! I am away all weekend camping, hopefully not too wet, and will message you when I come back and have read it!
Just a down to earth comment. We do not understand yet the fundamentals of our close environment. Wouldn't it be smart to spend time and energy to investigating this part of nature. If we have established the fundamentals from the middle world and sub-micro world, then the properties of the huge macro world will result automatically.
I will sketch you a new possible foundation:
Our world is fundamentally granular. We should measure it in Planck units. If we do that, then everything becomes integer valued.
The universe has an outer horizon at a finite distance. It also has internal horizons in the form of black holes.
Nothing is continuous apart from two things: a background coordinate system and probability ampliitude distributions that use the coordinates as a parameter. Of course, you can apply mathematics in these ingredients, such as constructing the canonical conjugate of the coordinates and taking the Fourier transform of the probability distribution.
The rock fundament of physics is a book with on each page a version of extended traditional quantum logic. This logic can only represent a static status quo. The set of propositions in traditional quantum logic is isomorphic with the set of closed subspaces of an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space. Like the quantum logic the Hilbert space can be extended. This is done by blurring Hilbert vectors that represent a physical particle with a probability amplitude distribution. Together these blurs form a covering field. By using a background coordinate system and by using the Helmholtz decomposions theorem the (static) field can be split into a rotation free (longitudinal) part and a divergence free (transverse) part. The longitudinal part is one dimensional, but in multi-dimensional space it runs along curved lines. This can be used to define a local curvature. That curvature can be used to define a derived curvature field. This curvature field has non-neglible influences that reach over the whole of the universe. It is the source of inertia.
Dynamics is introduced by stepping through the book. It couples the static fields. The function of the field is to establish coherence between subsequent steps. That is why the field is constituted from probability amplitude distributions, The squared modulus of the quaternionic amplitude distribution is a real and positive probability density distribution that has the tendency to minimize change.
The result is that all information that is transferred in universe is transported via clouds of information carrying quanta. Apart from the quanta, also the shape of the cloud carries information.
For example, apart from inside condensed matter a granular world does not accept densely packed multi-dimensionally sets of granules. This would immediately result in preferred directions that would appear in the world we observe. But we never observed preferred directions, except those that are determined by the decomposition of fields. However, a solution for this exists in the form of strands (not strings!). Outside the outer horizon and inside the inner horizon no strands exist. The one dimensional strands are chains of granules that are closed or run from horizon to horizon. In each chain one granule is exceptional and represents the current state of the strand. Each granule gets a position that is taken from the background coordinate system. (The background coordinate system and the strands are represented by operators in the rigged Hilbert space that corresponds to the separable Hilbert space). Only the strand operator has a representative in separable Hilbert space.
The exceptional granule (and thus the corresponding eigenvector of the strand operator) is blurred. Bosons anchor at one strand. Quarks anchor at two strands. Leptons anchor at three strands.
Strands fluctuate with the fields.
If the curvature field is a derived field, what then happens with the property mass of particles. This is the easy part. When the part of the curvature field is considered that is due to the prive part of the covering field that belongs to a particle, then this can be considered as the private curvature field of that particle. Taking the integral over this field (=intergral over local curvature values), then the result is a property (mass) that can be assigned to the particle. With this picture the reverse view is given of what is common practice. In common practice mass is seen as the reason of existence of the gravitation field.
The gravitational field is the main actor in cosmology.
For more details see: http://www.crypts-of-physics.eu/Cracksofphysics.pdf
Schiller in his book about strands shows that the common equations of motion follow from the sketched model. See: http://www.motionmountain.net/research.html .
If you take that in this model the action stands for change. Thus for change of properties of particles. Thus for change in the relations between particles. And that entropy stands for potential change, then the ratio of action and entropy stands for the relational complexity of nature. The principle of minimal action stands for minimizing the relational complexity. Thus nature has a built-in tendency to minimize relational complexity. According to ThereExistsATendencyInNatureToReduceComplexity.pdf this tendency, when circumstances are favorable, leads automatically to intelligent species.
The principle of minimal action is installed by the tendency of the fields to keep coherence between subsequent steps.
Schiller states that when the LHC detects SUSY, then his strand model is falsified. Further he claims that his strand model explains all of the standard model. He does not even require the Higgs particle. My feeling is that he found a proper model for physics. I only added the strand operator, the curvature field and the Hilbert book. The blurs in his model and the blurs in my model represent the same thing. His book is worth reading, but the real interesting part starts at chapter eight.