I have tried both Keller's and Graff's reagents to try to reveal the melt pools of SLM-ed and T6 heat treated AlSi10Mg. The coarse Si particles are clearly visible but not the melt pool boundaries. Could anyone help with this?
For the SLMed AlSi10Mg parts, the melt pool boundaries are significantly noticed inside the as-built microstructure, however, it might not be clearly observed in the heat treated samples. This is due to the decomposition of the fibrous Si network along the microstructure of the sample, in addition to the improvement of the microstructure homogeneity obtained after thermal post-processing especially the T6 treatment.
More details can be found regarding this issue including the details of the optimum polishing and etching procedures in addition to a comprehensive analysis of the AlSi10Mg microstructure of the as-built parts and after thermal post-processing @ the following link: