Despite it’s long history, no satisfactory or conclusive answer exists for the McCollough Effect. What is specially intersting to me is that the ME effect can produce a qualia experience (color) so long after the original conditioning that any retinal afterimage explanation must be ruled out . Personally I’m biased to a classical conditioning approach in that the original after effect to the conditioned stimuli (the black bars) i.e the complementary color (qualia) which are the conditionined response (while the original display also contains the unconditional stimuls, the real colors red an green). Now, if in the follow up test, days or months later, the CS is presented and consist of black bars on a white background, that white will contain the wavelenghts for red and green. It seems plausible that the presence of these will elict the ME effect at higher cortical centers where the original conditioning connection was made. That is the trigger for the qualia experience would be ‘out there’.
The most recent reseach I found on this is here:
If anybody knows about other reseach along these lines I would be grateful if they were to let me know.