Hi all,

Maxent is giving me an error that goes "Error reading file (filepath) Bio1.asc: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "NODATA_value"".

I've checked all my environmental variables' asc files, and they all start this way:

ncols 1423

nrows 1160

xllcorner -872029.330162432045

yllcorner 248.355811230605

dx 1078.542999148330

dy 1078.577836933761

NODATA_value -9999

They seem fine to me; there's no special characters anywhere, nothing looks off.

Any idea what could be causing this?

The files were the 19 worldclim variables, warped to the 27700 CRS, clipped to an extent and then transformed to asc. files in QGIS.

Two weeks till the dissertation deadline, yay.

Help would be super appreciated.

Best wishes

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