08 August 2012 34 2K Report

I'm analyzing my current research data for potential violations in statistical assumptions. The particular analysis/design in question is a 2 x 2 between-within (i.e., mixed design, repeated measures + between measure, etc.) factorial ANOVA. The problem I'm having (or maybe it isn't one?) is when I check for violations of the sphericity assumption. For whatever reason, whenever I run Mauchly's test of sphericity in SPSS, it gives me a Mauchly's W of 1.000, df 0, and Sig of . . Nothing...it gives me no sig. data. Why would that be?

Is it a sample size thing (my N = 34)?

Could it be due to largely unequal group sizes (n = 30 and n = 4 ) (note: I am well aware of the problems that my unequal group sizes have with regard to other assumptions and the reliability of any F statistic derived; I'm working on that problem but wanted to get an idea of how my data was looking)?

Maybe this means sphericity is as violated as it can be? The confusing thing is that I get the same result if I check sphericity with just the within measures in my control group of 30 participants. Any ideas why this might be? Please let me know if additional information or context is needed.

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