Hi everyone. 

To give you a bit of background, I am nearing the application process to apply for my Masters degree in Business Management.  Most of my work experience is in Business Management (self employed) and I have a undergrad degree in Human Resource Management and currently completing my Honours (postgraduate) degree in Business Management in South Africa.  

For my Masters application in September I need to write a short literature review , research problem and intended contribution of the study.  My problem however is the topic. I have so many interests and just cannot decide in what direction I want to lead my research in. Another challenge is that I live in a very rural area and I have a concern that I might not have access to a sample.  My studies and qualifications have been done through correspondence and I have very little guidance as to the application process and actually feasibility of my ideas.

After reviewing the research focus areas I decided to list the areas I am most interested in;


-Strategy as Practice -

·         Micro-level praxis focusing on aggregate actors within an organisational context

·         Investigate how aggregate actors construct themselves, their identities and their positions within the strategy-making process.

·         Emergence in strategy making

·         The relationship between cognition, emotion and strategy behaviour – the link between cognition, emotion and behaviour in strategy.

·         The importance of temporal and spatial understanding in strategizing.

-Material matters-

Examine the role of materiality in strategy-making (non-human actions, such as documents, technologies and displays). The role and impact of new media in strategy-making such as social media (software), smartphones (hardware) and Big Data. How technological elements or particular media uses become co-constitutive of strategy practices.


-Strategic human resource management-

·         Macro-level

A critical analysis of strategic human resource management models.

-International Human Resource Management-

·         Meso-Level

Expatriate adjustment and the psychological contract in international careers.

The effectiveness of expatriate coping strategies:  The moderating role of cultural distance, position level and time on the international assignment.

·         Macro-Level

The dimensions of expatriate acculturation:  A review.

New forms of international work:  An international survey study


·         Micro-level

Charismatic leadership: A phenomenal and structural approach.

The making of leaders: A review of the research in leadership development and education.

-Organisational citizenship behaviour-

The relationship between organisational citizenship behaviour and leadership

-Organisational justice-

Fairness of HR practices such as selection, performance management, compensation, training.

-Employee and Organisational Well-being-

Employee and organisational well-being (Individuals/Groups/ Organisational and industry contexts)

Explore the well-being of employees in the workplace

-Employee and organisational health and wellness-

Maladjustments i.e. burnout / stress/ anxiety / frustration

Investigate the possible reasons why an employee is unable to cope in the work environment

Investigate possible interventions which can be used in organisations to help employees to cope in their work environment

-The future role of the ODL academic-

·         Individuals

Exploring how to become an effective on-line lecturer/senior lecturer/associate professor/ professor

·         Across organisational and industry context

Explore possible strategies for talent management of ODL academics

Critically reflect on National and International trends involving ODL academics


Investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and employability.

Investigate the relationship between an individual’s psychological career resources and their employability.

Investigate the relationship between self-esteem and employability.

-Skills Development-

The evolution of the South African Occupational Learning System


Focus Area: Teaching Business Ethics

It would be highly appreciated if anyone can advise me as to what is a good option in my situation and what topic you would find most interesting. Very much open to your opinions and ideas.

Thank you for taking the time to read my question.


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