Loocking for chemical Etchant for welded alloys F51(Stainless Steel-duplex) - HR22(Hastalloy)

F51 Stainless Steel- duplex : Fe-bal ; Cr-22.5% ; Ni-5.3% and Mo-3.4%

HR-22 (Hastalloy): Ni-56.5% ;Cr-21.6% ; Mo-13% ; Fe-3.9% ; W2.8% ; Co-1.4%

I would like to know what kind of Etchants is better to reveal the micrstruture and particulary the melting and the HAZ aeras.

I have already used the following Ecthants solutions have already used these following solutions with bad results:

1) Glyceregia : 15 mL glycerol + 10 mL HCl + 5 mL HNO3 (immerse at room temperature)

2) Mixed acids : 15 mL HCl + 15mL HNO3 +15 mL acetic acids (immerse at room temperature)

3) HCl and Peroxide : equals parts HC, and H2O2 (immerse at room temperature)

Please can someone help me

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