For long Covid can try morning/ evening walk say 30 minutes. While walking not to inhale air. Even one can exhale the air and walk. When one is not comfortable one can breathe say after 30-45 seconds. Then repeat this cycle of not using air while walking low O2 levels increase the ⬆️ *lactic acid* & ⬆️ *carbonic acid* in the system. This acidic pH helps in viral inactivation. (Hypothesis) as acids are used to denature the virus and this has been shown to be present in the artery in the below mentioned paper. These acids may help in allevation of the symptoms.
This can help. I had found relief after returning from high altitude cough went of which was more than 8 months after I was infected with Covid. The walking also relieved the symptoms. As walking the O2 demand is more and if one walks with say a heavy bag that is exhaustive. This brings in acidic condition.
Glycosis is inhibited and lactate formation in absence of oxygen is natural. Which most athletes show. But here hyperactivity isn't recommended and it's for people who are normal and with mild symptoms. Almost imaginary. Which one doesn't realize. This has shown to provide relief.