I have collected data from 80 subjects. They were divided in 5 groups and performed a rating task of audio files (once as a baseline - same for all groups, second time in experimental condition - different for each group, one group was a control group- kept on rating in the same condition as the baseline).
I have then fitted a lmm model using lmer() from lmerTest (which is using lme4 but also providing the p-values for anova). My fixed effects are: Group (5 levels), Condition (2 levels), GenderS (gender of the speaker), GenderP (gender of the participant) and the interaction between all of those. Participant and Item (audio file) were added as random effects.
Each participant rated 100 audio files (40 in the baseline condition and 60 in the experimental condition) giving a total of 8000 data points (1600 in each group).
I have then run anova() (and Anova() from car package) on the model and got significant Group:Condition interaction (p