This disclaimer discloses a particular case of plagiarism in our scientific paper recently re-published in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, (IJIRCCE) Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2017. The culprit authors include: T Ramya and P Sree Rathna Malathi, both Lecturers from the department of Computer Systems and Engineering, Loyola Academy, Alwal, Telengana, India.

On April, 24, 2017, our paper titled “Leveraging Fog Computing for Scalable IoT Datacenter Using Spine-Leaf Network Topology” was published in the Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (JECE) Volume 2017, Article ID 2363240, 11 pages-;

Recently, I received a link showing that our paper has been published in the Journal (IJIRCCE) Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2017-

doi-10.15680/IJIRCCE.2017.0510016 . Evidently, the authors copied and re-published our full research in the journal website above which the EiC has removed after our complaints/threats lately.

Sadly, the complete content, context, the data of the figures and tables in our article “Article ID 2363240-attached” are identical to those published by the authors. It should be noted that the experimental work of our article was conducted towards the conclusion my PhD candidature and I have kept the original records and laboratory details till date.

Consequently, I make this disclaimer while advising the institution of the authors to further investigate into the matter and sanction the authors accordingly. Other institutions should begin a similar process to bury the shameful act of plagiarism in our ivory towers.

Furthermore, the conducts of the authors should be closely monitored as this seems to be routine habit from the findings linked to a detailed background check/due diligence.

I therefore request the scientific community to seriously pay adequate attention to cases of shameful plagiarism especially among academics. A new promotion/tenure assessment model should be devised that will fish out culprits accordingly.

My question is “What more can be done to deal with issue of plagiarism and predatory Journals who never carry out due diligence via their peer review (if any)”.

Expert views are welcome.

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