Though I do not know much of the operations of Open Access Journal, but I did an search and found that it is mostly about unrestricted access to all journals, even exclusive ones. But this is not the issue here. The issue is getting ResearchGate to launch her own. Incidentally, ResearchGate was started to help researchers find answers to all questions. This motivation is ok, but researching has gone beyond just questions and answers. If I remember correctly, I think I registered on ResearchGate back in 2005. It's over 10 years now and every 10 years, an individual/company/organization MUST reinvent itself. Even Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, new this and made reference to it in a TIME-Magazine interview back in 1992. In 2014 while contributing in answer to a question on a thread on ResearchGate, I was letting the owners of ResearchGate see that the forum has gone beyond Q&A. It is now a community and the owners of ResearchGate need to come up to speed on additional activities. So, I am not surprised ResearchGate is being asked to launch her Open Access Journal. I think it is overdue. Thanks All Fellow Researcher.