What's informal about this? Your keyword is 'informality', but perhaps that should be 'information'? Or are you looking for the informal dimension of Radiation Hormesis?
Hi, dear friend! I was not much present but hope to get into the game again... I am assembling a paper on redefinition of term "environment" which is a rather complex issue and I see that you have curiosity for the right things, like this hormesis! Currently just to say that without such redefinition I think there is no way to make sense through such controversial findings. I believe it is related to very foundations of what we call reality and therefore present more frequently than supposed. Don't know how much you are familiar with biology, but advanced systems like biological (hormesis is a biological phenomenon, despite it is related to physical parameters!), which exhibit learning (yes, learning, an unexpected parameter for the engineers!) can not be reduced down to simplified physical models.... Contact me would you like to participate in a workgroup on the aforementioned redefinition!