As Haar is multi-resolution technique (MRA) for signal representation, i.e the window used in Haar is not constant unlike STFT. Hence it is very easy to identify the variation of signal's frequency at different time, for a non-stationary signal. Hence we would get a 2D representation of a 1D signal in transformed domain, as like continues wavelet transform, S-transform and STFT. Where one axis represents the time, another shows the frequency and third one illustrates the magnitude. It means all the MRA and STFT not only yields the frequency content of a signal but also emphasis at what time these frequencies occurred in transformed domain.

I understand the concept of Haar and other transformation quite a bit and also able to generate time-frequency joint representation of a signal for continuous wavelet transform. However, I am not able to understand how time-frequency joint representation can be possible for discrete Haar transform and also unable to represent it in MATLAB for a 1D time varying signal. Please suggest some paper or idea about the concept of Joint representation of a signal in discrete Haar transformed domain (Only for Discrete transform, not continuous).

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