Found it on Pachacamac island, near to the central coast of Perú. It was caught last Friday. A female had 6 spotted-young sharks to a litter. My doubt is that females were plain-coloured and the others had tenuous black spots.
Hi Francisco, spotted pattern is also typical in Triakis megalopterus but this species is common only along South African Coast so I agree with you that it is T. maculata. Probably the loss of pigmentation is due to bad conservation state after death.
Triakis maculata is normally heavily spotted but plain individuals are also known, as well as black-spotted females producing unspotted young (e.g. Compagno et al. 2005. Sharks of the world. Princeton University Press). However, your specimen may easily represent T. acutipinna. The attached key (Chirichigno 1974) might offer some help.
I agree with Daniele and Balázs that it is T. maculata. The other possible Triakis species from the East pacific (acutipinna) differs e. g. in the form of the first dorsal fin or the teeth.