08 August 2015 6 349 Report

For the first law, compare with dynamics, which corresponds to the energy conservation law, but the theoretical structure of the basic laws of the two are different. In dynamics, the energy of a system can be classified into some different types, such as kinetic and potential energies, the physical pictures of the energy classifications now are clear. Whereas, in thermodynamics, the energy classifications cannot corresponds to dynamics one by one, and the physical pictures of the energy classifications in thermodynamics are not clear. Nobody knows how to classify the basic types of the internal energy.

What are the microscopic pictures of the state functions, such as  Q, TS, H, F, and G? 

For the second law, it is well known that the integral∮δQ/T=0, but for Carnot cycle, we also can get the conclusion that the integral∮δW/T=0.

So for the definition of entropy dS=δQ/T, how to explain∮δW/T=0?

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