If the study (Thesis, research paper) is written in language x, is there obligation to write the research tool in that language (x)? Are there any studies about this issue?
I think they might ask to translate part of it, unless the data is in a different language. (as some kind of supplementary material). Maybe the whole if it on the main article.
Thanks for your contribution dear Mª Angeles Zorrilla Lopez-Perea . What would you do? Append the questionnaire in language (x) and its translation in language (y) (The language of the article)!
The original version of the questionnaire must be written in the language of the thesis so it can be submitted alongside the other chapters of the thesis. However, if your respondents speak a different language, then you will need to translate the questionnaire.
One may write the questionnaire in the language of the subjects , but the same must be translated to be used in the final report. I used bilingual questionnaires in two UGC Major Research projects which I did .
I think translate as much as you can for the article and then ask if there could be any data which could be left untranslated. (Does this appear on the guidelines of the article?)
If your thesis is in language x, but your questionnaire was addressed to language y-speakers, I think you should translate the questionnaire in language x to be included in an appendix in your thesis. If you are writting an article in language y for a journal it might not be necessary to attach the whole questionnaire, but refer to the key-points which answer the research question(s). i.e. to our question "..." (in language y of the journal) the research participants answered that...
It is better to translate the questionnaire language to the same language used in reporting your research. But also keep a record of the questionnaire in its original language
Yes, questionnaires is just an instrument that enables you collect information. So I f I collect information in Swahili a local language in East and Central Africa I can translate them to English, French which are the languages used for publishing.
I think the questionnaire language should be in the language of the society who will fill it to be understandable easily. So the filling of the questionnaire will be accurate.
Non. Ce n'est pas obligatoire. L'essentiel est que le public puisse répondre. Si vous posez quand même vos questions dans la langue de rédaction du travail scientifique, il faut préciser à votre enquêté qu'il peut répondre dans la langue de son choix.