Dear colleague, we try to apply IR photography only in some selected autopsy cases. We have the best experience with the visualization of tattoos (e.g., in putrefaction, mummification, soot imbibition of the skin, etc.). We use Fujifilm IS Pro, CoastalOpt® UV-VIS-IR Lens 60 mm and various IR band pass filters. Sometimes, we apply IR photography for visualization of subcutaneous bruises and gunshot residues (e.g., latent shooting, gunpowder tattooing). We, also, tried to apply IR imaging for highlighting of electric marks, but without surprising results. And your experience?
We have Fujifilm IS Pro - a version of Nikon D300 (suitable for both IR and UV photography) and CoastalOpt® UV-VIS-IR 60mm Apo Macro (manual focusing).
Link for lens:
We apply IR photo:
1. gunshot wounds.
2. tattoo identification.
3. detection of soot and gunpowder particles on dark textiles.
4. detection of blood on dark textiles.
5. bites.
6. skin lesions on the pigmented skin.
We have tried to employ in electrocution cases but without benefits.
Amazing equipment !!! as you can suppose it is inaccessible for me, I´m working, in this field, with my own camera, lenses and speed lights, so imagine my face when I visit the link that you have sent.
Congratulation, and please, share some pictures !!!