Just recently we've bought a TDG01 calibration grating. We would like to use it in non-conventional way. We are intending to use the groves and ridges of calibration grating as a support for fibrillated material. Such application will require frequent cleaning of the surface of calibration grating. We would like to ask are there any recommended ways of cleaning the grating ? Is it safe to clean in ultrasound bath ? There are also methods which involves covering the grating with glue-like products. After hardening such layer of glue is peeled of from the surface of grating with all the contaminations (https://www.afmworkshop.com/newsletter/271-methods-for-cleaning-afm-reference-calibration-samples). Since the grating is formed on the chalcogenide glass coated by Al, we would like to know if this is a safe procedure?

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