in far place without electric energy, some time we need low power for charging and we have uncharged solar panel system. could use any type of fire or light source to make the solar panel work.
Yes, if you can produce a light similar to Sunlight in terms of wavelength. Ideally, one would want to simulate the Sun. But, if you can't do that, you have to use whatever fire or light available with you. Solar panels are designed to absorb radiation in the visible spectrum. so if your source can emit light in the range of 400 nm to 700 nm. you might be able to produce some energy from your panel.
Most of the light produced by a fire is in the infra-red / red area of the spectrum, so it would not produce that much power with the solar cells (and risks heating them up more than anything). You could use the fire with some sort of phosphour as is done with gas lights, where a "mantle" is used to produce more blue / white light, and in the old fashioned "lime light". But I suspect the overall power from the solar system will be rather disappointing, and you should look perhaps at thermo-electric generators instead.
Yes, you can use LED lights and focus it on solar panel . Other lighting equipments under visible spectrum can work for it and LED lights are efficient among all in terms of conservation of energy which is produced from other sources of energy.