The highest growth rate, sporulation and conidial germination of B. bassiana on glucose peptone agar (GPA) was observed and measured. The conidia was harvested from 21 days old cultures in 3ml DW, stored in deep freezer (-80° C), and 300 µl conidial stock suspension was used later to inoculated new GPA plates medium and incubated at 25° C under continuous light.
The DSMZ (German Microorganism and Cell collection) recommends potato dextrose or malt extract peptone agar (Attached) but i don't know if you can use them for isolation as they are recommended for their strains
I am working with this currently and I also thought SDA was a better media , but I could not get it in any company around here. So I tried using ampicillin and Dodine (is a fungicide which allows growth of M. anisopliae and B. bassiana) to make PDA as selective as possible the results were not as good then later I used GPA which was available..the results were ok. But at the end of it all I settled for PDA ..
That is what I did for agar diffusion tests a while ago (see below). It worked really well, but as Norbert mentioned it is for cultivation not necessarily isolation.
Fungi were inoculated and incubated for 48 h in double concentrated malt extract broth at 130 rpm at 24°C. One inoculation loop of each fungus species was transferred into 5 ml Ringer solution. Of the Ringer suspension, 100 μl was
You are right, for cultivation PDA is fine but isolation it may not be the best experience with adding Dodine and ampicilin to make it more selective was that they were growing very not sure what the bacteria and fungi did to it..