I am attempting to use the process described in the link below. Briefly, one spin-coats PMMA onto the substrate that has nanostructures on it. Then put PDMS on top and add a few drops of water which is supposed to allow the PMMA to separate from the substrate. Then use PDMS as mechanical support to transfer to clean substrate. My initial substrate is SiO2 with some tape residue remaining from mechanical exfoliation. I want to transfer to clean SiO2.

I am unable get the PMMA to separate from the substrate as a film. It resembles more like a paint which I can only scratch off. I suspect something is wrong with the PMMA solution. I use 950k 2% in chlorobenzene, something we already have in our lab.  The paper uses 3% in dichloromethane, but I was told it will not make a difference. I have tried different PMMA spin rates (1000-3000rpm) and annealing temperatures (50-80C) with no success.

Any advice will be much appreciated


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