Zoologists discover the solutions to the problems presented by these habitats.A major in Zoology will introduce you to the fascinating diversity of animals, their interactions with each other and their environments. You will develop an understanding of the forces that have shaped animal groups into highly structured ecosystems and communities. Zoology is a core biological discipline underpinning current interest and research in conservation biology and marine science.
Interesting to see your questions and your answer for that. For your information other than Indians nobody knows about Bangalore University or other universities in India and their histories (except few who came for studies in India). So how people comment on your questions.
Your first question is about scope. Certainly the scope of Zoology can be improved. I think UGC (http://www.ugc.ac.in/) take care of these things.
Simply speaking Zoology tells about animal kingdom, classification, habits and their distribution. Zoology is very broad subject with many disciplines. For eg. if you classify animals Invertebrates & Vertebrates. You study about variety and vast number of animals. Systematics or Taxonomy; classify animal species. Under this each phylum can be studied as branch. Their physiology and behavior ecology. Here itself you can see many branches. During Aristotle period he made simple classification. Later Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection gave new thoughts after rediscovering of Mendel's work. The word “factors” mentioned by Mendel, in his thesis revolutionized entire scientific field. Emerged as Molecular biology. With the advent of technology we are watching various developments in all fields of science. If you consider zoology each subject become a discipline. We can definitely improve the scope of Zoology.
Your second question I have not followed the context of Problems. Do you mean to say the problems about finding opportunities in Zoology discipline? I say there are lots of prospects as per the discipline. It is personal choice; can be selected basing on their interest. For eg. Medicine, Research in each and every branch of zoology that gives lot of opportunities right from teaching to research (scientist).
If come to your answer seems your main interest is Conservation biology. Then globally we have to take care of many things first of all Environment should be protected. Once environment is protected automatically all things will be rescued.
I think your question focuses the teaching of zoology. What you have written is a fascinating objective but this cannot achieve but partly and in fragments even at university level. Let as look at an example: I teach agricultural entomology and I am eager to study the knowledge of entomologists who lived long time ago. In order to see the evolution of entomological knowledge I compared the skills of Maria Sibylla Merian (1679) with those of present day MSc students. https://www.researchgate.net/post/Would_you_like_to_try_the_Merian_test
Questions of Merian test:
1. What is the name of order Lepidoptera in your mother tongue?
2. How is called the postembryonic development of Lepidoptera?
3. How are called the undeveloped forms of Lepidoptera?
4. Have lepidopterous insects a pupa? If yes, how is it called?
5. How are the mouthparts of the adults?
6. How are the mouthparts of the undeveloped instars?
7. What are the feeding habit and damage of the adult Lepidoptera?
8. What are the feeding habit and damage of the undeveloped Lepidoptera?
9. Enumerate five lepidopterous species in your mother tongue!
10. On which part of the body are there the palps (palpus)?
One right answer is worth 10%, thus a perfect solution must be 100%. This might be the knowledge of Merian in 1679, however, she must have formulated her answers in another manner and she did not know the physiological backgrounds of the development.
The students’ performance was about 50-60% of this test in 2014. No comment!