People have different ideas of what is a good life, what happiness is, and what is it for a life to go well. Is there any questionnaire, test, or quiz to measure people's ideas on these topics?
The Orientations to Happiness Scale (Peterson et al., 2005) comes to mind, it is based on attitudes towards meaning, pleasure, and engagement. Also the eudaimonic and hedonic motives questionnaire (huta and ryan), but it is even more implicit asking about activities participants engage in that correspond with either eudaimonic of hedonic well-being. Delle Fave has also done some more explicit happiness definition work looking at lay definitions of well-being across cultures (delle fave et al., 2011; 2016). Hope this helps!
It sounds to me like a typical question that could be approached through qualitative research. It would be conceivable to create an interview guideline for the individual conception of happiness and good life, to conduct interviews (up to a saturation of content) and to evaluate them content-analytically, e.g. according to Mayring.