In 16s rDNA metagenome analysis, after sequencing data. I want to classify bacteria based on their functions. I am looking for a Pipeline or any software that can do this job?
Aravinda C V thank you for your files. Nazima Habibi Thank you for your suggestion. I have already tried PICRUSt and Tax4fun. In these based on OTUs, they are providing the metabolism gene and their abundance. But, my question is different, that is
In 16s sequencing but not shotgun sequencing, After obtaining the contigs with their representative OTUs followed by taxonomical bacterial classification. Based on the function of bacteria like specific metabolite producing bacteria (example: Methane producing bacteria, Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, vitamins producing bacteria) classification and the list of bacteria followed by their abundance is what, I am looking for?
Please let me know, if any pipeline can do this job.... Thank you