Figuring out sample size for the different type of study is a tough job without the help of statistician. So is there any alternative for the researcher?
Please be aware that prospective power analysis is not fool proof, but depends on your estimate of the variance you expect, and thus the sample size at which you estimate this prospectively. In many fields of biology at least getting a reliable estimate of the variance in the dependent variable you expect is very limited, because it depends on the situation you measure it in etcetera. Therefore prospective power analysis becomes little more that helping you educate your guess only slightly (in many cases).
Also in most cases retrospective power analysis is wrong, because the estimate of variance you use to retrospectively calculate the power you had is confounded in the same sample you want to estimate the power for.
Yes G Power is useful. R also has some packages that could help you out if you want to estimate the power from mixed models etc.
Not only you get an analysis but you also get a write up of the methods. But talking with a statistician might still be helpful to help you decide that the methods being used are correct for your problems.