As a young professor I was encouraged to "contribute to the world scientific database." I never noticed that it was just in English. Some of my works have been translated into Japanese and Chinese but wouldn't a broader set of translations be useful. How about elementary algebra available in every language written so that any child could learn to solve a quadratic equation?
Fantastic. I was able to translate Devis Pantano's paper from Italian to English with just a click of the mouse. Also, I found that Google Translate can translate my web page into (I believe) 86 languages. I am impressed and realize how little I know of what is known.
Wikipedia is an online free-content encyclopedia that you can edit and contribute to. Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales has described Wikipedia as "an effort to create and distribute a multilingual free encyclopedia of the highest quality to every single person on the planet in his or her own language." Yea for Jimmy Wales.