One empirical demonstration in the lab is due to Yoshida et al. (2003,2007). The study a algae-rotifer system for which there is clonal diversity in the algae species: one clone that grows rapidly but is highly susceptible to predation by the rotifers, and another clone that is small, reproduces slowly, but passes through the gut of the rotifer (i.e. well defended against predation). The eco-evo dynamics of the predator-prey system leads to oscillations in which the predator and prey are perfectly out of phase, in contrast to the purely ecological dynamics in which the oscillations are 1/4 out of phase. I would be interested to hear of other examples that folks are aware of!
Takehito Yoshida, Laura E. Jones1, Stephen P. Ellner, Gregor F. Fussmann & Nelson G. Hairston, Jr. Rapid evolution drives ecological dynamics in a predator–prey system
Nature 424, 303-306 (17 July 2003)
T. Yosida etal. (2007) Cryptic Population Dynamics: Rapid Evolution Masks Trophic Interactions. PLoS Biology