In Queensland, Australia we used to have an authoritarian inspection system about 20 years ago. I didn't like it and about 15 years ago it became a more supportive system with inspectors acting to help teachers improve. This was better. Now there are no inspectors, but we have an auditing process where respected colleagues go to each school with a set of criteria that are acceptedand spend 2 days evaluating what the school does against the criteria. This involves asking Principals and other administrators what they think He school is doing and then talk nip to Heads of department & teachers What they think, then asking students what they think. By correlating tee answers the auditors map the school's performance against a grid of criteria and standards. this then comes to the school with advice for improvement. If He standard is lower than a certain level the school is obliged to accept outside help to improve. If not, they are free to Heyytaorenfrreroto in their own way
Please find attached an audit document from a school. Please note that I could not find the original instrument with standards but I hope you can get an idea from this document.
In New Zealand we have the Education Review Office. Review Officers visit schools and early childhood services approximately every three years (depending on the needs of the schools and services) and using defined and published criteria, evaluate the them. There are separate criteria for schools and early childghood services. There is a strong focus on using the information schools and services have through their own self review to identify strengths and next steps. There is also a focus on whether these insitituions are accelerating the learning of priority students. You can find information about the frameworks, processes and tools at