Is there a site to download meteorological data (Rainfall (mm), Evaporation (mm/day), Relative Humidity (%), Tempreture (°C) and Sunshine (Hour/day)) for each country?
I suggest you try weather forecasting websites (eg. accuweather) if you are doing preliminary study or design. For detailed study, you ought to try the departments of meteorological in each country. These departments will give you data but with some fee. The data is therefore accurate.
Weather stations will be more accurate; but you can tri this sites:
GCOS Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Data Access Matrix Portal that provides a common access point to global and regional data sets and analyses for use in various aspects of climate research.
Monthly Climatic Data for the World Contains monthly mean temperature, pressure, precipitation, vapor pressure, and sunshine for approximately 2,000 surface data collection stations worldwide and monthly mean upper air temperatures, dew point depressions, and wind Velocities for approximately 500 observing sites.
World weather records, 1921-current World Weather Records is a book series (one volume per region; eg--Africa) with monthly and annual values of mean temperature, total precipitation, mean station pressure, and mean sea level pressures for thousands of stations around the world. Published once every 10 years containing the data for the previous decade. (QC982.W95 Crerar Library)
World weather records, 1750-1920 Compiled by Henry Helm Clayton and first published as "Smithsonian miscellaneous collections and publications." (QC982.C6 and Q11.S7 Crerar Library)
World Data Center for Meteorology
Global Historical Fields Resource with daily surface charts for the period 1899 through April 1994. Daily upper air charts (700 mb, 500 mb, 300mb) are available from the late 1940's through April 1994. Surface charts contour sea level pressure only (not station plots); upper air charts contour geopotential heights and temperatures. (QC885.G662 Crerar Library Multimedia)
Global Daily Summary: temperature and precipitation 1977-1991 Provides access to a 10,000- station set of daily maximum/minimum temperature, daily precipitation, and 3-hourly present weather for the 1977-1991 period of record. A data inventory contains station name, latitude/longitude, elevation, period of record, and the number of observations of available data.
International surface weather observations, 1982-1997 Includes hourly and/or synoptic climatic data for approximately 1500 international stations; provides worldwide coverage of city locations. (QC981.I58 1998 Crerar Library Multimedia)
International station meteorological climate summary The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), in cooperation with the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force, developed this resource for 640 world wide stations and 5434 of the World Wide Airfield Summary Stations. Contains detailed climate summaries, including surface air temperature, humidity, winds and precipitation, from meteorological stations worldwide. (QC982.5.I584 1995 Crerar Library Multimedia)
Weatherbase Provides weather informatio for more than 16,000 cities. Average, highest and lowest temperatures and avaerage precipitation for most cities; other information such as fog and cloud cover, humidity or snow cover provided for some cities.
Historical Weather Database Temperature and precipitation data for 2,000 cities worldwide is available.
Bulletin of International Meteorology Published by the Army Signal Corps. (QC982.U5 Crerar Library) Earlier title on microform (J83.U13 1990:W4207-1 to W4207-5 Regenstein Library Microforms)
Dear Çeribaşı; If you are going to use the data for research, you can get meteorological data free of charge with an official letter from your institution.
May be this source also enable you to retrieve needed data European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 5th Re-Analysis ERA5,!/home