The formal is the abstract stratum needed the observer should be competent in order to decodify all the messages interchanged among all the subjets observed.
Your question begs the question of epistemology. Are you seeking theoretical or empirical differences? Of course theory precedes practice hopefully. What is the philosophical framework you are using for your practice or research?
HACE UNOS 25 años Que los Modelos Didácticos del profesor de han Salido de la Investigación (ver Grupo DIE, Sevilla, Rafael Porlán Y Colaboradores) Donde se une el marco epistemológico del profesor (referido a las Ciencias y Matemáticas), el cognitivo y el didáctico. Estós Serian los Modelos Formales Para La Enseñanza.
La decodificación de Lo que sé vaciones En La Práctica de Aula, sí Remite AL SISTEMA DE CATEGORIAS Que caracteriza CADA SISTEMA, recomendable Siendo do aceptacion POR instancia de parte del Docente, de Lo Observado, no de su Interpretación, MEDIANTE ENTREVISTAS Y triangulaciones VARIADAS (DoS Investigadores , EJEMPLO POR)
No sé Cuanto le Florerias Ayudar mi Sugerencia
Hace unos 25 años, que los modelos de enseñanza docente han surgido de la investigación (ver DIE Grupo, Sevilla, Rafael Porlán y otros) donde se une con el maestro epistemológico marco (basado en la ciencia y las matemáticas), cognitiva y didáctica. Estos serían los modelos formales de enseñanza.
La decodificación de lo que se observa en la práctica en el aula, se refiere al sistema de categorías que caracterizan a cada sistema, se recomienda su aceptación por parte del profesor, de lo observado, no de su interpretación, a través de entrevistas y variados triangulaciones (dos investigadores, por ejemplo)
Me pregunto cómo puede ayudar a mi sugerencia
Il ya Environ 25 ans Que les Modèles d'enseignement des enseignants ont emergen de la recherche (voir DIE Groupe, Sevilla, Rafael Porlan et al) où elle l'rejoint enseignant épistémologique cadre (base sur la ciencia et les Matemáticas), cognitif et didáctica. Ceux-ci seraient les modèles formels pour l'enseignement.
Le décodage de ce qui est observar dans la plática de la classe, se refere au système de categorías qui caractérisent chaque système, étant recommandé hijo aceptación par l'enseignant, de l'observar, pas de hijo de interpretación, à travers des entrevistas et des triangulaciones varía (chercheurs deux, par exemple)
Je me demande comentario ma il socorrista peut sugerencia
I would add that we are teaching mathematics, a stratifficated knowledge and the observer should be a competent user of a more abstract strata that all the subjects observed.
I agree with Jose's approach through triangulating the data and creating categories and themes to compare with the literature. You may also use the following article which includes mental mapping to determine the relationships in the cognitive structures of your participants to determine if they have developed appropriate constructs for the mathematics.
Meaningful learning: The essential factor for conceptual change in limited or inappropriate propositional hierarchies leading to empowerment of learners†
Joseph D. Novak*, Article first published online: 18 JUN 2002,DOI: 10.1002/sce.10032
We aré in mide of a nice working discusión with different And important points of view : José' hollistic approach, Janet' psicológical And informes status of TVE art.let me stress mine : The subjet yo be tough is dominant : matemática is The leading issue .
Yes there is a relationship between formal and teaching models. As Janet said theory should precede practice. The teaching methods should be student-centered, focus-group discussion and must be outcome-based education (OBE) where student can perform what is expected of them after completing the course content of your module. The methods of teaching should utilize all aspect of learning styles such as seeing, hearing, visualizing,reflecting and acting; reasoning logically and intuitively; understanding and visualizing the concept and not just memorizing.
This question goes directly to the particularities of the subject/course one is working with. For me it mirrors issues involved in teaching research methods in teacher education. Using a quantitative approach the issue for the teacher is to demonstrate the ways in which survey questions are often theory laden - the theory is built in to the design rather than being a purely discovery mission. In this case the theory does come first as Janet has said. From a qualitative research tradition the task for the teacher is to demonstrate how theory is built from the data rather than being structured into the tool. Theory building seems to me to be one of the most important features in this approach. I think this approach could be generalised to many other teaching areas through developing a technical competency and then inviting students to theorise at a more general abstract level.