obviously your need for wind data raises from a specific purpose.
Generally speaking, I think that wind generation is still a tricky point for weather generators, due to the fact that it could be properly generated just via spatially explicit physical models of the atmosphere.
Moreover, models need to be properly parameterized, so there is the primary need to retrieve observed data to perform the task.
Anyway, I would suggest you to ask regional meteorological system (https://www.arpae.it/) for data you need.
I don't know if you can calculate evaporation, but I am sure you can't estimate transpiration correctly from the state-of-the-art leaf boundary layer parameterization and the similarity theories employed in the models are not sufficient, and not to mention the quality of wind data.
Artificial neural network is a popular method for wind speed and wind power forecasting. You can find wind power, wind speed and wind direction data of a Spanish wind farm. However, the data starting from 2004.