Could you please tell me if there is a mathematical model for the power-line interference a(n)*cos(phi(n))? I've found a statistical model for the frequency, but not for the amplitude.
I met with this problem in archaeological prospection (magnetic prospecting - see attached file). From the personal communications with Engin. Faculty scientists follows that they have a solution for ideal sourse, but in real conditions (not horizontal cable location, rugged terrain relief, some other noising factors), they receive abn accuracy of calculations about 20-25%.
Thank you very much for your interesting paper, but I have not found yet the model I need. There are some references talking about the power-line magnetic field as function of the distance from the power line. However, there is no information about the electric (or magnetic) field as function of time. The amplitude a(t) is not always constant, and the frequency 1/(2*pi) d(phi(t))/dt has some deviations from its mean (60 Hz). Do you happen to know who else could help me solve this?
I've found a statistical model for the harmonic power-line signal, in which both the amplitude and the frequency are characterized as random walk processes:
G. Li, X. Zeng, X. Zhou, Y. Zhou, G. Liu, and X. Zhou, “Robust suppres-
sion of nonstationary power-line interference in electrocardiogram signals,”
Physiol Meas., vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 1151–69, Jul 2012.
Do you have knowledge of other models for the frequency and the amplitude, please?