The CDC Public Health Library and Information Center (PHLIC), in collaboration with the CDC Office of the Chief Science Officer, publishes a weekly public health current literature alert. CDC Science Clips includes newly published CDC journal articles as well as other current articles of interest to CDC partners and the public health community. Available on the web at:
Another useful journal from CDC is Public Health Reports available online at:
Finally, a current compilation of "grey literature" in public health is available at:
The CDC Public Health Library and Information Center (PHLIC), in collaboration with the CDC Office of the Chief Science Officer, publishes a weekly public health current literature alert. CDC Science Clips includes newly published CDC journal articles as well as other current articles of interest to CDC partners and the public health community. Available on the web at:
Another useful journal from CDC is Public Health Reports available online at:
Finally, a current compilation of "grey literature" in public health is available at:
Thanks these are great resources! The link to the JANE tool (journal/author name estimator) looks quite useful to identify potential publishing outlets. I'm writing an MS that I think would work well as a brief report, and was wondering if any lists exist of public journals that accept brief reports (rather than visiting individual journal websites to identify possible publishing outlets).
Just as an FYI, JANE draws its data from all journals included in NLM's Medline, with several exclusion criteria, such as no indexed entries in the previous year or was not an empirical study. So while it is a good quick source, it still pays to look at research journal clusters in Scopus or JCR to determine relatedness of journals that may be of interest for a single manuscript of a 'family' of manuscripts. Or to determine who you frequently cite and where they are publishing.
Also, if you are using looking for journals that publish brief reports, try a Google advanced search using
allintext: "brief Report" Journals "subject area"
and limited by the language in which you intend to publish and by pages updated in the last year. The latter will help you to eliminate dead or old pages. Not perfect but much better than running a less structured search.
My first page of results: JAMA Network, Stroke, Injury prevention, Gerontologist, Epigenetics, J of Tropical Pediatrics ...
Another option is to search on "Brief report" in the title field in PubMed -- "Brief Report"[TI] and "subject area". Save results in a MedLine format and export to a citation manager so you can sort by journal title.
I searched ("Public Health"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Surveillance"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Informatics"[Mesh] OR "Education, Public Health Professional"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Practice"[Mesh] OR "Public Health Administration"[Mesh] OR "Environment and Public Health"[Mesh]) AND "Brief report"[TI] and retrieved 814 results, filtered by English language, and 293 using the 'last five years' filter. Still not great, but at least a starting point.