I'm working with Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (SWASV) for detection of heavy metals.

 After the deposition step I noticed that the lead's potential peak shifts if I start the stripping step from different potential.

e.g. after 3 mins of deposition at -0.4V (Ag/AgCl), if the stripping step starts from -1V the lead's peak is at -0.2V (Ag/AgCl) while is at -0.4V (Ag/AgCl) if the stipping step starts from -0.6V (Ag/AgCl).

The working electrode is gold and the counter is platinum.

I do the square wave starting from a negative potential to a positive one.

The peak potential should be related to the thermodynamics of the process so I thought is should be 'fixed' fixing the deposition potential and the active material.


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