I came to know about this journal. I would like to know whether it is active in Scopus or Scopus indexed and UGC CARE II approved. Anybody has published in this journal. Kindly give feedback.
It depends. The homepage of the journal “Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology” is according to SCImago https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=14040&tip=sid&clean=0: https://jns.usst.edu.cn/ch/index.aspx The legit version is indeed Scopus indexed https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/14040
However the homepage https://jusst.org/ is fake. It is already identified as hijacked version: https://beallslist.net/hijacked-journals/ and is also mentioned in one of the lists of UGC https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/Web/CloneJournalsGroupII