Friend, this question is not simple, in my opinion it is complex and requires a great organization of many factors, including medical and paramedical personnel. In the experience of Cuba, the first thing that was done was the training of human resources (medical specialists, master of science, genetic advisors, etc) and then create a national genetic network that covers from the primary level to the tertiary level in the system of health. All this supported by laboratories where you can get a secure diagnosis, which is the basis of genetic counseling.
For a proper genetic service in any society (population), knowledge of common inherited disorders (chromosomal or single gene defects) is important, whether on epidemiologic (clinical) or molecular levels. In addition, specialized doctors have a vital role.
Working on a population level differs from working on individual (family) level.
Governmental support is necessary. Establishment of a national center for genetic diagnosis and counseling may be a good start that collects all specialized individuals and reduces the cost of providing genetic testing than when making scattered centers. This center not only provides diagnostic / therapeutic services but can also be an excellent teaching place for training and future research.
Putting in mind, genetic counseling requires solid evidence of confirmed diagnosis, which might not be available in all cases. however, knowing the pattern of inheritance can sometimes be reached through family pedigree analysis even if the disease was unknown or not molecularly confirmed.
Arranging preventive measures and premartial and prenatal diagnosis are other important steps in genetic counseling.
Continuous support of affected families and high risk groups through non-governmental organizations and support groups can aid in enhancing life of affected families.
Last but not least is the continuous research that provides data, both clinical and molecular, are extremely important and helpful on the long term.