Quantum Mechanics emphasizes states, allows simultaneity of states etc. French philosopher Bergson did not live up to it but he may like it-he criticized physics from failing to count separate existance of states.

Bergson posted that his contemporary physics trates states that were in succession in simultaneous existance i. E trajectories which present events "all at once juxtaposed in space"

Bergson acknowledges that his concept of time, called duration, reveals "the perceptual creation of possibility and not only of reality" (Canales, 2015,).

Bergsonian Time is a duration that helps the individual to grasp the reality and the way it is encountered (Marchesini)

Arguments pro

**It is possible that qm endorses such a conception implicitly because the motion state is more sophidticated and developped and thus less probably to fall pray to his criticism.

** Some effects or features of qm, such as probability treatnent, novel predictions also might simply that the duration conception is at work, i. E time not just creates reality but probability.

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