Suppose I have an initial population (Chromosomes) P={P1, P2, P3, P4, ......., Pn}. If I do crossover on two random parents (P1XP2) by choosing random symmetrical points in P1 and P2. I name the generated off springs as Poff_1 and Poff_2.

My question is, whether the mutation is performed on the chromosomes (off springs) generated after cross over, i.e., on Poff_1 and Poff_2 or on the chromosomes from initial population P?

Also, how to choose the parents based on the crossover probability Pc? Suppose if I fix the cross over probability to be 0.78 (ranges from 0.5 to 1.0 according to survey), how to choose the 78% parents from the set P.

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