High school physics does not have the best affective appeal - not reputation among general student population-possibly due to content emphasis. Affective aspects however are important in early to mid stages of education.
Torques, circular motion and coulomb fields are depressing topics to the scientifically inadept; even more modern physics topics and high esteem terms like "constructive superposition" of waves and related phenomena do not faire better.
One however has to keep in mind that the mission of k 12 is to build some conceptual& skillsets/deep understandings that the next generations of scientists should have. Appeal is quarabteed what ever the topic choice for the later.
So the compromise is hard-leading to current win-lose solutions.
Suggestions such as for incorporation of whole year curricula on exciting, high contemporary culture status topics like radioactivity, laser apps, Vacuum conductivity have been raised to be balanced with half year courses on scientific method-a facelifted version of mentioned depressing content with deenpasis on content to teach skills/conceptual areas but keep things attractive to general population are still to gain persuasive power to be adopted.