Aristotle, in his book titled Politics, notes that one of the weak points in a democracy is that because people are considered "politically equal" they imagine they should be equal to everyone else in all other ways.

We see the same cultural movements occurring in our democracies today.

The push for equality in everything is being exploited by politicians everywhere through assorted wealth redistribution efforts, or efforts to lower education standards so that everyone can be awarded college degrees in something.

Prior to the Industrial Age, where almost limitless amounts of money have become available to governmentally empowered social tinkerers, making oneself "equal" to someone else was a personal responsibility. Now it appears "social leveling" has become the responsibility of government.

To make one citizen equal to another in as many ways as the social engineers can devise appears to be the aim of innumerable public efforts.

Is this a wise approach and do you think this will lead to a more harmonious and productive society in the future?

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