لماذا مزال الكثيرون يعدون العربية عائقاً أمام تحصيلهم العلمي؟ ولماذا ما زالت معظم الجامعات العربية تدرس المواد العلمية باللغة الفرنسية و الإنجليزية؟ ولماذا يشتكي بعض من يعمل في مجال العلوم من صعوبة الحصول على المصطلح العلمي باللغة العربية؟
The best way for anyone to learn a modern science is to learn it in the mother tongue. This would save learners time intended for translation and give them the chance to create and innovate.
Any human language is far from logic, which is the foundation of science. The development of precise statements and formulae is the core of the scientific method; clear and methodical thought can help us to formulate our research more exactly, controlling the subconscious currents of the used language, in terms of grammar and mentality.
The best way for anyone to learn a modern science is to learn it in the mother tongue. This would save learners time intended for translation and give them the chance to create and innovate.
The linguistic transit from Sumerian (non-semitic) to Akkadian (semitic) is an interesting scientific issue (origin of language), but it will not help us to develop our scientific learning methods, in terms of research logic. We have to clearly distinguish between holiness (of a language, in terms of divine revelation and prophecy), and human means (linguistic elements) of scientific research.
Of course yes! Arabic can be used in learning modern science. If that is one's mother tongue, s/he can use it in learning modern science no matter how difficult an alien may see it.
In the 9th to the 10th century, scientific works was translated from Arabic into Latin. The arabic language was like now, english language used for science. So the answer is derived from the above
Of course, in the 10th century, Muslims ruled the world. As a result, Arabic was the first and best language for transmitting knowledge in general, and science in particular. Languages are correlated with their own civilizations, for example Greek, Arabic, French, ... Now, the US is leading the world, so English is the best ... In addition, Chinese will be probably the first language in the next future. So goes the world...
Americans are the leaders in the field of new technologies. And they allow themselves to give strange names to their inventions, such as the mouse, bluetooth, ... I find ridiculous the translation of these words into another language, like Arabic, speaking of computer science...
Arabic is suitable for learning modern science and technology on the condition of standardizing scientific terminology. But, alas, it's not the case nowadays neither for tomorrow. Also, i absolutely agree with Dr. Dhiaa Neama Jabbar .